
Validators’ Guide

This instruction tells how to start one or another system service. It is assumed that you are already familiar with Linux and are fluent in it

Service start order:

  1. node (rarimo-core)
  2. broadcaster-svc
  3. evm-identity-saver-svc
  4. tss-svc

Node (rarimo-core)

Chain id: rarimo_201411-1

Genesis file: “https://storage.cloud.google.com/rarimo-mainnet/core/genesis.json

Address book: “https://storage.googleapis.com/rarimo-mainnet/core/addrbook.json

APP file: “https://storage.googleapis.com/rarimo-mainnet/core/app.toml

Rarimo core binary (linux/amd64): “https://storage.googleapis.com/rarimo-mainnet/core/rarimo-core

To, generate validator configs, use:

Also use the following P2P connection to our RPC node: 39072210913bb52a6444543ad160b04668d58210@

Execute te following scripts:

Set Envs

export RARIMO_NODE=tcp://

Init folder structure:

rarimo-core init $MONIKER_NAME --chain-id=rarimo_201411-1 --home=$RARIMO_HOME

Paste custom genesis.json and app.toml in $RARIMO_HOME/config/ folder.

Create validator private key:

rarimo-core keys add <key-name> --keyring-backend test --home=$RARIMO_HOME

Save your mnemonic and address. That address will be used for your validator staking and also for your oracles.

Send you address (rarimo…) to yp@distributedlab.com or vl@distributedlab.com.

To setup broadcaster service later you will need a private key. Use your mnemonic to get ECDSA private key (0x…):

rarimo-core tx rarimocore parse-mnemonic 'mnemonic phrase'

Also, add environment var with created address:


Please, backup the following files and folders:


Check validator seed:

rarimo-core tendermint show-node-id --home=$RARIMO_HOME

Check key exists in keystore:

rarimo-core keys show $LOCAL_VALIDATOR_ADDRESS --keyring-backend test --home=$RARIMO_HOME

To run use env variables:

value: "rarimo-core"

  - name: DAEMON_HOME

value: "true"

Use the following command to start your node:

mkdir -p $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/genesis/bin && cp YOU_STORE_CORE_BIN(name rarimo-core) $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/genesis/bin && cosmovisor run start --home=$RARIMO_HOME --rpc.laddr tcp://


Broadcaster service binary (linux/amd64): “https://storage.googleapis.com/rarimo-mainnet/modules/broadcaster-svc

To start broadcaster-svc service you need a hex private key that will be used to sign messages.

The following configuration config.yaml file should be provided to launch your broadcaster service:

  disable_sentry: true
  level: debug

## Port to listen incoming requests
  addr: :80

## PostgreSQL database connect
  url: "postgres://broadcaster:broadcaster@broadcaster-db/broadcaster?sslmode=disable"

  ## Rarimo account private key in Hex format: 0x123fab...
  sender_prv_hex: ""
  ## Rarimo chain id
  chain_id: "rarimo_201411-1"
  ## Base coin name
  coin_name: "urmo"

  addr: "validator:9090"

You will also need some environment variables to run:

  value: /config/config.yaml # The path to your config file

The execution of 2 following commands is required for launch:

  1. To perform migrations
broadcaster-svc migrate up
  1. To start the service
broadcaster-svc run all

Also, you can run these commands together like this:

broadcaster-svc migrate up && broadcaster-svc run all

EVM identity saver

EVM identity saver service binary ( linux/amd64): “https://storage.googleapis.com/rarimo-mainnet/1.0.4/evm-identity-saver-svc

Currently, it should be one instance per account only for Polygon.

The following configuration config.yaml file should be provided to launch your oracle:

  disable_sentry: true
  level: debug

## Port to listen incoming requests (used to trigger revote for some operation - rare flow)
  addr: :8000

  ## State contract for listening
  contract_addr: "0x624ce98D2d27b20b8f8d521723Df8fC4db71D79D"
  ## Polygon websocket address
  rpc: ""
  ## Start block to listen events. (0 - listen from current). Used to catchup old events. Be careful to use.
  start_from_block: 0
  ## According to network name in Rarimo core. Example: Polygon
  network_name: Polygon
  ## How many blocks should be created after event to fetch it.
  block_window: 20

  ## address of broadcaster-svc
  addr: ""
  ## sender account address (rarimo..)
  sender_account: ""

## Rarimo chain connections

  addr: tcp://validator:26657

  addr: validator:9090

## Profiling

  enabled: false
  addr: :8080

## Issuer information

  issuer_id: [ '' ]
  disable_filtration: true

Also, some environment variables will be needed to run

  value: /config/config.yaml # is the path to your config file

Oracle service requires staking of some RMO tokens in Rarimo chain. Please, do not start the service before we confirm your oracle staking.

To start the service (in vote mode) use the following command:

evm-identity-saver-svc run state-update-voter


TSS service binary (linux/amd64): “https://storage.googleapis.com/rarimo-mainnet/1.0.4/tss-svc

To become an active TSS you need to follow that steps:

  1. Generate TSS account (it is recommended to generate the new one and do not use it in other services):
  rarimo-core keys add <key-name> --keyring-backend test --home=$TSS_HOME

Also, you need to parse mnemonic to get corresponding private key:

  rarimo-core tx rarimocore parse-mnemonic 'mnemonic phrase'
  1. Pre-setup secret parameters, execute and save response JSON:
  tss-svc run paramgen
  1. Generate trial ECDSA private key, execute and store results:
  tss-svc run prvgen
  1. Setup the Vault service and create secret for your tss (type KV version 2). Secret should contain the following credentials:

JSON example:

  "tls": true,
  "data": "",
  "pre": "pre-generated-secret-data",
  "account": "rarimo-account-private-key-hex-leading-0x",
  "trial": "trial-ecdsa-private-key-hex-leading-0x"
  1. Create a configuration file config.yaml with the following structure:
    disable_sentry: true
    level: debug

  ## PostreSQL connection

    url: "postgres://tss:tss@tss-2-db:5432/tss?sslmode=disable"

  ## Port to listen for incoming GRPC requests

    addr: :9000

  ## Core connections

    addr: tcp://validator:26657

    addr: validator:9090

  ## Session configuration (should be the same for all services accross the system)

    start_block: 100
    start_session_id: 0

  ## Swagger doc configuration

    addr: :1313
    enabled: false

  ## Chain configuration

    chain_id: "rarimo_201411-1"
    coin_name: "urmo"

Set up host environment:

    - name: KV_VIPER_FILE
    value: /config/config.yaml # is the path to your config file
      - name: VAULT_PATH
    value: http://vault-internal:8200 # your vault endpoint
      - name: VAULT_TOKEN
    value: "" # your vault token ("root"/"read/write")
      - name: MOUNT_PATH
    value: secret
      - name: SECRET_PATH
    value: tss # name of the secret path vault (type KV version 2)
  1. To launch the service use the following command.
  tss-svc migrate up && tss-svc run service
  1. After launching of your service, share your tss-svc URL, rarimo account address and ECDSA public key with yp@distributedlab.com or vl@distributedlab.com.

Note, that your TSS service should be accessible only using secure TLS connection.

After some period your TSS will generate new keys with other active parties and become an active party.

Finishing with validator

After receiving confirmation from ourside about token transfer, execute command to stake tokens and become a validator. You need to stake exactly 1000000urmo that is equal to 1 RMO.

rarimo-core tx staking create-validator --amount 1000000urmo --commission-max-change-rate "0.01"  --commission-max-rate "0.2" --commission-rate "0.1" --min-self-delegation "1" --details "Meet new Rarimo validator" --pubkey $(rarimo-core tendermint show-validator --home=$RARIMO_HOME) --moniker $MONIKER_NAME --chain-id rarimo_201411-1 --fees 0urmo --from $LOCAL_VALIDATOR_ADDRESS --home=$RARIMO_HOME --node=$RARIMO_NODE --keyring-backend=test

Congratulations, you are the Rarimo Mainnet validator!

Useful commands

Query delegator rewards for all validators:

rarimo-core query distribution rewards [delegator address rarimo...] --node=https://rpc.mainnet.rarimo.com:443

or for certain validator:

rarimo-core query distribution rewards [delegator address rarimo...] [valdidator address rarimovaloper...] --node=https://rpc.mainnet.rarimo.com:443

Query un-withdrawn rewards:

rarimo-core query distribution validator-outstanding-rewards [valdidator address rarimovaloper...] --node=https://rpc.mainnet.rarimo.com:443

Query validator commission:

rarimo-core query distribution commission rarimovaloper... --node=https://rpc.mainnet.rarimo.com:443

Withdraw all validator rewards for a delegator:

rarimo-core tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards --from=rarimo... --node=https://rpc.mainnet.rarimo.com:443 --home=path-to-home-with-keyring

Withdraw certain validator rewards for a delegator (add --commission flag to withdraw commissions also):

rarimo-core tx distribution withdraw-rewards rarimovaloper1... --from rarimo... --commission --node=https://rpc.mainnet.rarimo.com:443 --home=path-to-home-with-keyring