
Validators’ Guide

This instruction tells how to start one or another system service. It is assumed that you are already familiar with Cosmos SDK, Linux and are fluent in them.

Node (rarimo-core)

Chain id: rarimo_201411-2


Clone the repository “https://github.com/rarimo/rarimo-core.git” and checkout the chain/mainnet-beta branch.

Use the following commit hash to build: 20bcfef13ce6d3eaa77a63fa8f1d141601c27ba5.

You can use Dockerfile.vendor, Ignite CLI (do not use vendor package in that case) or just a go build ./cmd/rarimo-cored.

Setup configs

To, generate validator configs, use:

Also use the following P2P connection to our RPC node: f11612cdb2d705eaf7d0820f3e125a1d0ad9e225@

Init folder structure:

rarimo-core init $MONIKER_NAME --chain-id=rarimo_201411-2 --home=$RARIMO_HOME

Paste custom genesis.json and app.toml in $RARIMO_HOME/config/ folder.

Create validator private key:

rarimo-core keys add <key-name> --keyring-backend test --home=$RARIMO_HOME

To run use env variables:

value: "rarimo-core"


value: "true"

Use the following command to start your node:

mkdir -p $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/genesis/bin && cp YOU_STORE_CORE_BIN(name rarimo-core) $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/genesis/bin && cosmovisor run start --home=$RARIMO_HOME --rpc.laddr tcp://

To stake the tokens for new validator execute:

rarimo-core tx staking create-validator --amount 1000000urmo --commission-max-change-rate "0.01"  --commission-max-rate "0.2" --commission-rate "0.1" --min-self-delegation "1" --details "Meet new Rarimo validator" --pubkey $(rarimo-core tendermint show-validator --home=$RARIMO_HOME) --moniker $MONIKER_NAME --chain-id rarimo_201411-1 --fees 0urmo --from $LOCAL_VALIDATOR_ADDRESS --home=$RARIMO_HOME --node=$RARIMO_NODE --keyring-backend=test

Congratulations, you are the Rarimo Mainnet validator!

Useful commands

Query delegator rewards for all validators:

rarimo-core query distribution rewards [delegator address rarimo...] --node=https://rpc.mainnet.rarimo.com:443

or for certain validator:

rarimo-core query distribution rewards [delegator address rarimo...] [valdidator address rarimovaloper...] --node=https://rpc.mainnet.rarimo.com:443

Query un-withdrawn rewards:

rarimo-core query distribution validator-outstanding-rewards [valdidator address rarimovaloper...] --node=https://rpc.mainnet.rarimo.com:443

Query validator commission:

rarimo-core query distribution commission rarimovaloper... --node=https://rpc.mainnet.rarimo.com:443

Withdraw all validator rewards for a delegator:

rarimo-core tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards --from=rarimo... --node=https://rpc.mainnet.rarimo.com:443 --home=path-to-home-with-keyring

Withdraw certain validator rewards for a delegator (add --commission flag to withdraw commissions also):

rarimo-core tx distribution withdraw-rewards rarimovaloper1... --from rarimo... --commission --node=https://rpc.mainnet.rarimo.com:443 --home=path-to-home-with-keyring

Check validator seed:

rarimo-core tendermint show-node-id --home=$RARIMO_HOME

Check key exists in keystore:

rarimo-core keys show $LOCAL_VALIDATOR_ADDRESS --keyring-backend test --home=$RARIMO_HOME