


The main goal of this module is to provide implementation which allows the creation and management of on-chain multi-signature accounts and enables message execution based on the multi-signed message. As an example of implementation x/group module from Cosmos SDK will be taken.


The main differences between implementations:

The multi-signature feature works in the following way:




message Params {
  option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
  uint64 groupSequence = 1;
  uint64 proposalSequence = 2;
  uint64 prunePeriod = 3;
  uint64 votingPeriod = 4;


  "groupSequence": 0,
  "proposalSequence": 0,
  "prunePeriod": 240,
  "votingPeriod": 120


Group - stores the aggregation of group member account addresses. It is a module’s sub-account and has a balance. The group’s account address is derived from the module account address and group ID. The module uses the group sequence parameter to generate a group ID for producing the group account address. The group sequence is an integer stored in the module’s parameters and increments during new group creation.


message Group {
  string account = 1;
  repeated string members = 2;
  uint64 threshold = 3;


  "account": "rarimo....",
  "members": [
  "threshold": 1


Proposal - proposal to execute some operation that should be signed by group.


enum VoteOption {
  YES = 0;
  NO = 1;

// ProposalStatus defines proposal statuses.
enum ProposalStatus {
  // Initial status of a proposal when submitted.
  // Status of a proposal when it passes the group's decision policy.
  // Status of a proposal when it is rejected by the group's decision policy.
  // Status of a proposal when it is successfully executed by the module.
  // Status of a proposal when execution is failed.
  FAILED = 4;

// Proposal defines a group proposal. Any member of a group can submit a proposal
// for a module to decide upon.
// A proposal consists of a set of `sdk.Msg`s that will be executed if the proposal
// passes as well.
message Proposal {
  // Account address of the proposer.
  string proposer = 1;
  // Unique id of the proposal.
  uint64 id = 2;
  // Account address of the group.
  string group = 3;
  // Block height when the proposal was submitted.
  uint64 submitBlock = 5;
  // Status represents the high level position in the life cycle of the proposal. Initial value is Submitted.
  ProposalStatus status = 8;
  // Contains the sums of all votes for this proposal for each vote option.
  // It is empty at submission, and only populated after tallying, at voting end block.
  TallyResult finalTallyResult = 9;
  // Block height before which voting must be done.
  uint64 votingEndBlock = 10;
  // List of `sdk.Msg`s that will be executed if the proposal passes.
  repeated google.protobuf.Any messages = 12;

// TallyResult represents the sum of votes for each vote option.
message TallyResult {
  // Sum of yes votes.
  uint64 yesCount = 1;
  // Sum of no votes.
  uint64 noCount = 3;

// Vote represents a vote for a proposal.
message Vote {
  // Unique ID of the proposal.
  uint64 proposalId = 1;
  // Voter is the account address of the voter.
  string voter = 2;
  // Option is the voter's choice on the proposal.
  VoteOption option = 3;
  // Block height when the vote was submitted.
  uint64 submitBlock = 5;




SubmitProposal - creates proposal to execute some set of messages signed by group account.

message MsgSubmitProposal {
  string creator = 1;
  string group = 2;
  repeated google.protobuf.Any messages = 3;


Vote - vote for proposal.

message MsgVote {
  string creator = 1;
  uint64 proposalId = 2;
  VoteOption option = 3;


CreateGroup - creating of the new group.

message MsgCreateGroup {
  string creator = 1;
  repeated string members = 2;
  uint64 threshold = 3;


ChangeGroup - changing group parameters or set of participants. The signer of that message should be a group account, so that message can be executed only from that module using multisig flow.

message MsgChangeGroup {
  string creator = 1;
  string group = 2;
  repeated string members = 3;
  uint64 threshold = 4;