The estimated price of the transaction, from estimatePrice
bundle: TransactionBundleThe transaction bundle
The hash of the transaction
Get the estimated purchase price in the payment token or tokens, including the cost to swap the tokens to the tokens that the seller accepts payment in.
If isMultiplePayment is set to true, the operation starts with the native token for the source chain. If the wallet does not have enough of this token, it continues adding tokens from the wallet until it has enough value to complete the transaction. After the native token, it uses other tokens ordered alphabetically by the address of the contract that manages the token.
The payment token or tokens to use for the transaction
Information about the costs involved in the transaction, including the gas price. Can throw an error if insufficient funds for the multiple token payment.
Get the destination chain transaction hash as the result of the bridging
Destination transaction hash and transaction status
Load the tokens that the wallet has enough of to run the operation.
An array of tokens and the wallet's balance of each token
Get the chains that are supported for the operation type
A list of supported chains and information about them
Initialize the operation with the source chain and transaction parameters
Generated using TypeDoc
Send a transaction to Rarimo for processing